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About We Seek Travel

We Seek Travel is an adventure travel blog by Olly Gaspar featuring free and helpful travel guides and inspiring photography from some of the world’s most epic destinations.

From waterfall hikes to ocean sailing, We Seek Travel gives readers the information and inspiration they need to plan an awesome adventure & explore more on every trip.

We Seek Travel at Base Camp
olly gaspar we seek travel blog

Who is We Seek Travel?

My name is Olly Gaspar. I’m a Swedish-born Australian passionate about photography, challenging endeavors, and of course, adventure travel. My partner Haylea and I have been traveling around the world together, non-stop for the past five years, capturing moments and documenting our travel experiences along the way.

Together, we’ve sailed the east coast of Australia, built and traveled in our own van, trekked in the highest mountain range in the world, and trained for a Muay Thai fight in Thailand– and that’s just the beginning. 

Read our story on how we got started with full-time travel. 

We Seek Travel Community

A Global Community of Adventurers

Through inspiring travel and adventure guides, We Seek Travel has built a community centered on the principles of adventure. By sharing my own travel experiences, I aim to inspire others passionate about exploring this beautiful planet to get out of their comfort zone.

Professional Photography

High-quality photography is a cornerstone of creative content on We Seek Travel. I lug around full-frame mirrorless camera equipment, underwater gear, and drone in hopes of providing unparalleled glimpses of unique landscapes and travel destinations.


Read More About Our Adventures